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Purchase Calculators

Before you start looking for a home, make sure you're on firm footing financially. Can you pay the up-front costs of purchasing a house as well as the ongoing monthly mortgage and other living expenses? We've provided a wide range of calculators for you to use to determine the preliminary answers. Plug in your figures and see if it all adds up.

How Much Can You Afford?

Based on how much you make and how much you can pay for a down payment, find out how much "house" you can afford.
Estimate maximum loan amount

How Much Income Do You Need?

Based on the loan amount, we can give you an estimate of what your income level needs to be.
Enter full income

What Is Your Monthly Payment?

So, how much will you have to pay for that house each month?
Enter monthly payment

Should You Rent Or Buy?

Want to know the "after-tax" net cost of owning a house versus renting?
Compare renting and buying


Get an estimate of how much you can afford.

Don't see the loan product you're looking for? We also offer FHA, VA and USDA loans.  Speak to a Home Loan Consultant to learn more.
Estimate pre-qualification

Exclude any loans with less than 10 payments left

Select monthly expenses

** If you have a co-borrower who is not your spouse on your application and you are applying for a VA loan, the co-borrower must also be a veteran.

including you

Mortgage Rates

The Loan Consultant feature determines the products and rates that match your needs.

Ready to Start?

To apply for your easy online loan, all you have to do is answer a few simple questions about yourself, your property and your income, debts and assets.
